Dutch Elms - Music For Happiness (CD)

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Release Date: 10/01/04

Infectious and sunny yet quirky pop on this Seattle band's only album / RIYL: New Pornographers, the Beatles

This band was composed of friends (and ex-bandmates) of mine from bands such as Revolutionary Hydra, Slomo Rabbit Kick and Five Gears In Reverse, so when I found out that they were unsure of what to do with this record, I had to interfere and release it to the world! These eleven tunes are perfect little nuggets of pop that combine the sunny-yet-offbeat feel of bands like the Minders, the Salteens and the New Pornographers with the unrelenting catchiness of the Beatles - don't expect them to leave your short-term memory any time soon...

Label: Jigsaw Records
Genre: Alternative/Punk
Run Time: 27:49 mins

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