Beyond Recall… Vorbei (CD/DVD)

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11-CD/1-DVD (NTSC) boxed set (LP-size) with 516-page hardcover book, 256 tracks. Playing time approx. 829 mns

'BEAR FAMILY deserve the gratitude of jews all over the world. This is the most exhaustive collection of Jewish music from Nazi Berlin ever recorded.'' - Jewish Telegraph (2002)
''The whole idea behind 'Beyond Recall' is that nothing recorded should ever be totally beyond recall. This prodigious BEAR FAMILY boxed set is like a chunk of the planet Krypton crashing our atmosphere - and not just because the accompanying 500-page, German and English book weighs almost eight pounds.'' - J. Hoberman, Village Voice (May 28, 2002)

After Hitler's seizure of power in 1933, anti-Semitism became a state doctrine. The National Socialists' aim was the physical destruction of the Jews. Every memory of the sound and voice of Jewish artists was to be consigned to oblivion in the same way as the Yiddish language. On being liberated from Theresienstadt concentration camp, the Berlin Rabbi, Leo Baeck, stated his conviction that the 1,000 year history of the Jews in Germany had come to an irrevocable end. This documentation is proof of the victory of life over death - priceless sound documents have been rescued, then restored with a great expenditure of technological effort and, after sixty years, made available once more for all time.

Under constant surveillance by the Gestapo, the members of a Jewish Cultural League (J?discher Kulturbund) in Berlin were able to pursue their artistic activities and make and distribute records. Some of the titles recorded in Berlin were released in Palestine from 1934 to 1936 - forming part of the early history of Israel's record industry. These records that are scattered throughout the world for the most part exist only as single copies or test pressings. The repertoire is wide and includes classical music, Yiddish comedians, German cabaret, Palestinian folk songs and, above all, cantorial singing of enormous eloquence.

Track Listing

Disc 1:
  • Selvin Orchestra, Ben - Wahl
  • Brodnitz, Julius - Aufruf des Jüdischen Central
  • Various - History - Vereins z. Reichstagswahl am 14.9.1930
  • Various - History - Lebka fährt nach Amerika (1&2 Teil)
  • Lavender, Pinkas - Ich tanz' und mein Herz weint
  • Various - History - A Sundele will ich (Ich will einen Sohn)
  • Ester & Jakob Moschkowitz - Scholem Baith (Frieden im Haus)
  • Various - History - Mir fehlt ein Freund
  • Lavender, Pinkas - Kaddisch (Der jüdische Soldat)
  • Various - History - Wjo, Wjo Ferdelech! (Hoi, hoi Pferde!)
  • Oberkantor Boas Bischofswerder - Awremele Melamed (Abraham der Lehrer)
  • Various - History - Das jüdische Lied (1. & 2. Teil)
  • Various - History - Acheinu Kol Bet Jssroel
  • Kantor L.M. Goldwasser - Unsere Brüder, das Volk Israel
  • Various - History - A Chassene in Stadt'l
  • Seidermann, Moritz - Eine Hochzeit im Städtchen
  • Various - History - Hamawdil (wörtl.: Der Unterschied zwischen..)
  • Kantor L.M. Goldwasser - A Jüdische Mamme (Eine Jüdische Mutter)
  • Oberkantor Boas Bischofswerder - Al Chet (Ich habe gesündigt)
  • Various - History - W'hakohanim (Und die Priester)
  • Disc 2:
    • Various - History - Schma Kolenu (Erhöre unser rufen)
    • Oberkantor Boas Bischofswerder - Ma Beza (Welcher Gewinn')
    • Oberkantor Akiba Schreiber - Moos Zur (Schutz und Feste meines Heils)
    • Various - History - Aw Horachamim (Vater der Gnade)
    • Various - History - W'schomru (Sie bewahrten)
    • Various - History - Hatikwah (Die Hoffnung)
    • Stein, Leo - Ich fohr a heim (Ich fahre nach Hause)
    • Various - History - Achenu Kol Bes Isroel
    • Various - History - Chad Gadja (aramäisch gesungen)
    • Oberkantor Karl Neumann - Ein Lämmchen (deutsch gesungen)
    • Various - History - Das Kind liegt in Wigele
    • Berkowitz, Simon - Maj ko maschme lon (Was bedeutet ...')
    • Various - History - Herr, was ist der Mensch (deutsch gesungen)
    • Oberkantor Levy - Aus der Tiefe (Kol Nidrei) (deutsch gesungen)
    • Various - History - Jüdisches Tanzlieder-Potpourri
    • Sztal, Felix - Palästinenser Nigun
    • Weintraub, Wolf - Menasche (Name des zweiten Sohnes Josephs)
    • Oberkantor Karl Neumann - Rosinkes mit Mandeln (Rosinen und Mandeln)
    • Various - History - Schir Hakerem (Lied vom Weinberg)
    • Roth, Mordechai - Eili, Eilie (Lama Asavtonu)(Mein Gott,...)
    • Various - History - Kadisch (hebräisch gesungen)
    • Oberkantor Pinkas - Kidusch (hebräisch gesungen)
    • Various - History - Chanukka - 1. 6 2. Teil (hebräisch gesungen)
    • Disc 3:
      • Oberkantor Karl Neumann - Chanukka - 2. Teil
      • Oberkantor Karl Neumann - Kol Nidrei - 1. Teil
      • Various - History - Kol Nidrei - 2. Teil
      • Various - History - El Hazipor
      • Roth, Mordechai - Jad Anuga
      • Roth, Mordechai - Blumenarie
      • Rojanski, Arnon - Land so wunderbar
      • Various - History - Wie sich die Bilder gleichen
      • Various - History - Und es blitzen die Sterne
      • Various - History - Moaus Zur
      • Gemischter Chor - Schoschanat Jakob
      • Gemischter Chor - Schir Hamaloth
      • Oberkantor M. Laewandowski - Kidusch
      • Various - History - Fleischige und milchige Juden
      • Lengyel-Schwarzmer, Josef - Schomer Jisroel
      • Various - History - Der Rebbe Elimelech
      • Various - History - Alef ingemarcht '
      • Various - History - Roso d. Schabbos' - 1. Teil
      • Various - History - Roso d. Schabbos' - 2. Teil
      • Various - History - Tikanto Schabbos
      • Oberkantor Salomo Pinkasovich - Wehogen Baadenu
      • Various - History - Ow Horachmim
      • Various - History - Ledor wodor
      • Various - History - Zur Jsroel
      • Various - History - (Das Lied von) Jeruscholajim
      • Disc 4:
        • Torday, Sigismund - Licht Bentschen
        • Torday, Sigismund - J'hi Rozon
        • Various - History - Adonoj Moloch
        • Various - History - Eintönig klingt das Glöcklein
        • Tscherkessen-Chor - Lied der Wogaschiffer
        • Various - History - Lecho Daudi
        • Oberkantor Kupfer - Adonai(Die Hilfe)
        • Various - History - Mah Tauwo
        • Oberkantor Pinkas - Socharti Loch
        • Various - History - Ojr Chodosch
        • Kantor Israel Bakon - Esras
        • Various - History - Ow Horachamim Hu Jerachim
        • Various - History - Der Chasen und Gabe 1. & 2. Teil
        • Various - History - Der Alef Beth
        • Tuerk, Toni - (Lied von) Jeruscholajim
        • Various - History - Bruderlach Aheim
        • Kantor Israel Bakon - Der Pastechl
        • Various - History - Rebonu Schel Ojilom - 1. & 2. Teil
        • Various - History - Techesaknu
        • Disc 5:
          • Various - History - Mattinata
          • Schmidt, Joseph - Vorrei Morire
          • Various - History - Recha, als Gott dich einst zur Tochter mir...
          • Various - History - Nina
          • Various - History - Heimlich aus ihrem Auge sich eine Träne stahl
          • Various - History - Doch heisst dich auch ein Pflichtgebot
          • Various - History - O Lola, rosengleich blüh'n deine Wangen
          • Various - History - A Brief zum Reben
          • Kantor Israel Bakon - Der Lamden Reb Sender
          • Various - History - Mein Schtetele Beltz
          • Kantor Schlomo Hartenberg - Suesse Momenten
          • Lavender, Pinkas - Kinder-Johren
          • Kantor Israel Bakon - Schlof-Lied
          • Various - History - Parnosse
          • Various - History - In ukrainischen Schenkel
          • Various - History - Mlawe-Malke - 1. & 2. Teil
          • Various - History - Rachem-No 1. & 2. Teil
          • Various - History - Jehi Rozon - 1. & 2. Teil
          • Disc 6:
            • Various - History - Was wet sein mit Jsroel
            • Blumberg, Josef - Elohai Ad Scheloi Nozarti
            • Various - History - Schaeno
            • Various - History - Ja Leil
            • Various - History - Zod Zadantni
            • Various - History - Pokad Adonoj
            • Various - History - Kaddisch
            • Various - History - Adon Olam
            • Various - History - Jafim ha-Leilot (abgebrochen)
            • Various - History - Jafim ha-Leilot
            • Various - History - Schir ha-Schomer
            • Various - History - Lomer sich iberbeten
            • Kantor Israel Bakon - Die Toyre
            • Various - History - L'man Jrbu
            • Various - History - Elouheinu W'lohei
            • Various - History - Samri Li
            • Glinkovsky, D. - Schirath Horojeh
            • Various - History - Halbein Chatoeinu
            • Oberkantor Gerschon Sirota - Ovinu Maleinu
            • Various - History - Korutz Mchomer
            • Gerson, Dora - Ki Chol Peh
            • Various - History - Y'hi Rotzen
            • Various - History - Sim Scholom
            • Various - History - V'Chulom Mkablim Aelihem
            • Various - History - Adonoi Moloch
            • Disc 7:
              • Various - History - A jiddische Mamme
              • Koegel, Marion - Awrumale melamed
              • Various - History - L'kowed dem heiligen Schabbos
              • Various - History - Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur
              • Juedischer Madrigal-Chor - Der 92. Psalm
              • Various - History - Wiegenlied
              • Various - History - Drei Volkslieder: Entflieh mit mir und sei
              • Various - History - mein Weib/Es fiel ein Reif in der
              • Various - History - Frühlingsnacht/Auf ihrem Grab, da steht eine
              • Various - History - Linde
              • Various - History - Erstes jiddisches Volksl.-Potpourri 1.T. Test
              • Sid Kay's Fellows - Erstes jiddisches Volkslieder-Potpourrie 1.T.
              • Various - History - Erstes jiddisches Volksl.-Potpourri 2. Teil
              • Various - History - Czárdas
              • Weissgerber, Andreas - Rosinkes mit Mandlen
              • Lindberg, Paula - Zweis jiddische Volkslieder: Schlof sche meyn
              • Various - History - Voigele/Du sollst nit gehn zu kayn andere
              • Various - History - Maidelech
              • Various - History - Sei stille dem Herrn
              • Various - History - Bist du bei mir
              • Various - History - Jüdischer Tanz - 1. Teil
              • Orch. Des Jüd. Kulturbundes - Jüdischer Tanz - 2. Teil
              • Various - History - Serenade D-Dur f. zwei Streichorchester u. ..
              • Various - History - Serenade D-Dur f. zwei Streichorch. 2. Teil
              • Disc 8:
                • Various - History - Backbord und Steuerbord
                • Gerson, Dora - Die Welt ist klein geworden
                • Various - History - Dort in Hawai
                • Rosen, Willy - Im Gasthof zur goldenen Schnecke
                • Various - History - Negerbübchen
                • Various - History - Wenn ich den Text nicht weiter kann
                • Various - History - Les Mots Que J'Adore
                • Sid Kay's Fellows - La Cucaracha
                • Various - History - Niggun
                • Gerson, Dora - Vorbei
                • Various - History - Jewish national anthem
                • Csl. Pesi Pluk 5 - Maccabi March
                • Various - History - Shir Ha-Emek
                • Kipnis, Channa - Horra Kumah Achah
                • Various - History - Horra Al-Tirah
                • Various - History - Olej Regel
                • Various - History - Pele P'laim
                • Various - History - Hakkipod
                • Various - History - Hineh Ma Tov (Psalm 33)/Boker
                • Upcher, Peter - Hayeta Ts'eera Bakineret/Unser Rebbinu/Der
                • Roth, Mordechai - hot geheissen frailach sain
                • Various - History - Selection of Palestine No. 1/Arzah alinu/
                • Various - History - Rachel amda al ha-Ajn/Mi jemalel/Lamidbar sa'
                • Various - History - enu/Am Israel chai
                • Various - History - Selection of Palestine No. 2/Kadima ha-Po'el/
                • Various - History - Ha-Jore/Pakad adonaj
                • Various - History - Hatikwah
                • Lukraphon-Chor - Techesaknah
                • Various - History - A din Toyre mit Gotn
                • Disc 9:
                  • Alexander, Edgar - Drei jiddische Lieder: Der maijer Chasen/As
                  • Alexander, Edgar - Moschiach wet kumen/Der Bal-Agule
                  • Various - History - Shir Ha-Eme
                  • Roth, Mordechai - Palestine Horras: Simchu bi Jeruschalajm/Mi
                  • Various - History - jwne bajt be'Tel-Aviv
                  • Various - History - Ich for aheim
                  • Alexander, Edgar - As der Rebbe Elimelech...
                  • Various - History - S'miroth I'shabbath No. 1
                  • Kantor Israel Bakon - S'miroth I'shabbath No. II
                  • Various - History - Adonai
                  • Various - History - Achenu Kol Bet Jisroel - 1. Teil
                  • Various - History - Achenu Kol Bet Jisroel - 2. Teil
                  • Oberkantor Pinkas - Ma Tauwo
                  • Various - History - Kiddisch
                  • Various - History - W'sseorew
                  • Various - History - Rezeh
                  • Oberkantor Josef Borin - W'seorew
                  • Various - History - Kiddusch
                  • Various - History - Zadik-Katomor
                  • Various - History - A Chazen a Schicker - 1. Teil
                  • Schwartz, Maurice - A Chazen a Schicker - 2. Teil
                  • Disc 10:
                    • Various - History - Horas Potpourri - Ist part: El jwne ha-Galil/
                    • Orch. Shabtai Petruschka - We-sch'awtem majm besason/E'ise pele/Hawu
                    • Various - History - lewenim
                    • Various - History - Horas Potpourri - Ilnd part: Kuma acha/Hora
                    • Various - History - hai hai/Hallelujah/Emek, emek
                    • Various - History - Hora medura - Hora Medura
                    • Roth, Mordechai - Hora kann - Here ...
                    • Various - History - Marsch ha-Sapanim - Sailor's March
                    • Various - History - Hora secharchoret - Dizziness
                    • Various - History - A Tangerl Oyf Yiddish
                    • Feldman, A.L. - Main Stetale Belz
                    • Various - History - Concert Hora
                    • Liftman, Baruch - Vison
                    • Various - History - Ha'em Ve Ha'jeled (PRS 81)
                    • Degainit, Lea - Ha'em Ve Ha'jeled (PRS 83)
                    • Various - History - Hien Jamim Baim
                    • Various - History - Schir Iwri
                    • Kinderchor - Al sefod al bechot
                    • Tenor Joseph Goland - Salenu al ktefenu
                    • Kipnis, Channa - Mi jwne bajt be'Tel-Aviv
                    • Various - History - El jwn ha-Galil
                    • Disc 11:
                      • Various - History - Kuma ach - Rise Oh Brother
                      • Goland, Joseph - Hai, hai...Hai, hai...
                      • Various - History - Emek, emek - Emek, emek
                      • Various - History - E'ise pele - What A Wonder
                      • Various - History - Doda - Dodah
                      • Various - History - Minhag chadasch - A New Custom
                      • Various - History - Gamal ha-Me'ofef - The Flying Camel
                      • Various - History - Kaddisch - Kaddish
                      • Various - History - Lama lama - Why, Oh, Why
                      • Various - History - Hallelujah - Hallujah
                      • Various - History - We-sch'awtem jajm besason - With Shall Ye...
                      • Various - History - Himmon La'meschorer - Hymn To A Poet
                      • Various - History - Acharej moti - After My Death
                      • Various - History - Tel Aviv - Tel Aviv
                      • Various - History - Schirat ha-Schomer - The Waterhman's Song
                      • Various - History - Semer le'tozeret ha-Aretz - Buy Palestine...
                      • Various - History - Ba'cheder - In The Chedder
                      • Various - History - Dal panim - The Exile
                      • Various - History - Omrim jeschna eretz - They Say There Is A...
                      • Various - History - Ad ana adonaj - Psalm XIII
                      • Various - History - Katonu me'od - We Are Humble
                      • Various - History - Schir ha-Avoda ve ha-Melacha - Song Of Labour
                      • Various - History - Chalamti - I Dreamt
                      • Various - History - Ja'lejl - Night
                      • Disc 12:
                        • Stein, Leo - Hebrew Melody (Hebräische Melodie)

Additional Details

Label: Bear Family Records

Genre: World

Run Time: 829 mins

Release Date: 01/02/07

UPC: 4000127160300

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