The title of the record has three levels of meaning. Delectus = selection: this points to the programme of the record, which is the result of a very special selection. Delectamentum = delight: this implies that the record makes a delightful music - a medieval delicacy, one could say - audible, some of it for the first time in the modern age. And: 'Panem de caelo praestitisti eis, omne delectamentum in se habentem - Thou didst send them Bread from heaven having in itself every delight': this is the most frequently quoted biblical verse of the feast Corpus Christi, and so the title refers to the solemnity (or feast) from which the material for this record was drawn. (László Dobszay)
Track Listing
- Hymn: Jesu nostra refectio
- Antiphon: Sapientia aedificavit
- Responsory: Quicumque manducaverit
- Responsory: Dominus Jesus in qua nocte
- Antiphon with a Trope: Melchisedec rex Salem
- Antiphon: Angelorum esca
- Sanctus / Ave verum Corpus
- Reading from the Sermons of St. Thomas Aquinas I.
- Responsory: Verbum vitae carni conjungitur
- Sermon II.
- Responsory: Panis oblatus caelitus
- Sermon III.
- Te Deum
- Pange lingua gloriosi
- Introit: Cibavit eos
- Epistle: Ego enim accepi
- Gradual: Oculi omnium
- Alleluia: Caro mea
- Lauda Sion (sequence)
- Offertory: Sacerdotes incensum
- Communion: Quotiescumque manducabitis
Additional Details
Label: BMC Records
Genre: Classical
Run Time: 61 mins
Release Date: 08/28/08
UPC: 5998309301407
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