A senseless tragedy, a community in mourning...
March 25, 1994 began one of the most tragic chapters in the history of Marymount California University: two Japanese exchange students, Takuma Ito and Go Matsuura, were rushed to a hospital with gunshot injuries after a carjacking. The families of both boys made the difficult decision to remove them from life support. The boys, who had come to California to study filmmaking, were just nineteen years old at the time of their murder.
Their killer did not remain at large long. Within days, police apprehended Raymond Butler, a local youth, and charged him with murder. Butler was convicted and sentenced to death. As of January 2017, he is still on death row at San Quentin.
Eighteen years after their deaths, this is their story: the story of two boys and their families and the fight to make sure that a tragedy like this does not happen again.
Cast & Crew
Actors:- Takuma Ito
Director: Bruce R. Schwartz
Producer: Bruce R. Schwartz
Additional Details
Label: Dreamscape Media
Genre: Documentary
Language: English
Run Time: 59 mins
Region: 0
Release Date: 12/12/17
UPC: 818506021760
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