Release Date: 08/05/22
Icelandic stalwarts NYIÞ present 'á¬á¢ááá¿á•á¼ááá•á¼á±á á¬'. NYIÞ's first four releases from 2011 to 2019; a trilogy of tapes and material from a split album
Elusive Icelandic stalwarts NYIà present 'á¬á¢ááá¿áâ¢á¼áááâ¢á¼á±á á¬'. We've collected NYIÃ's (pronounced Neeth) first four releases from 2011 to 2019; a trilogy of tapes and material from a split album, into a unique whole. Cohesion is woven throughout the tape trilogy by a thread of curse-poetry. 'Til eru hræ sem hafa aldrei verið menn og munu aldrei verða þó þau lifi enn' is a perversion of a nationally beloved poem on death acceptance. 'Hati þá guð og helgir englar allir' is an invocation from a 17th century grimoire, petitioning God, alongside a multitude of other natural and super-natural entities, to hate the utterer's enemies. 'Visni þitt hold svo betur megi hæfa þeim hug sem það hýsir' is a toast to the misfortune of the most deserving; literally 'Thy flesh wither, the better to suit the mind it houses'. 'Caput Mortum', the final release represented in this anthology, breaks thematically with the preceding tape trilogy. Inward-looking and devoid of lyrical content, its two offerings, whose titles may be translated as Root and Maelstrom respectively, allude to sub-surface phenomena, stability and churning chaos. Artwork by Heresie.
Label: Cyclic Law |
Genre: Metal |
Language: English |
Run Time: 47:02 mins |
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