Watch Out (DVD)

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Having made a name for himself on the indie scene with the acclaimed Firecracker, writer-director Steve Balderson takes another giant step in pushing the envelope even further with one of the most original and daring films of the decade. Giving a performance that will be talked about for years to come, Matt Riddlehoover (actor, writer and director of the gay cult hit To a Tee) is stunning as Jonathan Barrows, a handsome, misanthropic college professor who literally loves himself. Whether taping his own photo on a blow-up doll or given to lustful choruses of 'I love myself' for sexual satisfaction, Jonathan is a narcissistic wonder who has found the startling answer to the question: Who do you have sex with when you're the best-looking and smartest person in the room' Fending off advances from both men and women, Jonathan's lifestyle choices soon demand a high cost, which director Bbalderson explores in set pieces both blisteringly comic and cynically dark. Llike a John Waters epic from his midnight madness years, Watch Out is a fascinating tapestry of sexual excess, sordid characters and questionable taste. dikenga films presents MATTmatt RIDDLEriddleHOOVERer in 'WATatCH OUTt' co CO - starring PETERpeter STIstiCKLESkles JILLIANillian LAlaURENren JEFFeff DdYLANlan GRAgraHAMam based oOn thHe novOVel byY DRdr. JOSEPsepH SsUGLIAglia scCreen playY byY STEsteVEe BALDERSbaldersONn and JOSEPsepH muUsicC and scoCOre byY RrOBb KLEINERkleiner direcCtoOr oOf phoHOtoOgraphyHY, editoOr, art direcCtoOr proOducUCed byY DRdr. JOSEPsepH SsUGLIAglia PApaULl Nn.J. OTTttOSSssONn direcCted byY ©2009 BREAKING GLASS PICTURES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DISTRIBUTED BY BREAKING GLASS PICTURES 133 N. 4TH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 267-324-3934 CONTENT AND ARTWORK SUBJECT TO CHANGE. UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR EXHIBITION PROHIBITED AND VIOLATES FEDERAL LAWS PUNISHABLE WITH SEVERE PENALTIES. Targeted Online Social Media Commentary with Author

Additional Details

Label: Breaking Glass Pictures

Genre: Gay/Lesbian

Release Date: 11/24/09

UPC: 853937002025

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