The Symphonic Wind Ensemble is comprised of the finest woodwind, brass, and percussion players in the School of Music, who are selected each semester by audition. The ensemble's repertoire is drawn from significant literature written for wind ensemble, symphonic band, and chamber winds. Most literature is performed with one player assigned to each part. In 2004 the Symphonic Wind Ensemble was chosen to perform at both the Georgia Music Educators (GMEA) In-Service and the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) Southern Division Conferences. In 2006, the ensemble was selected to perform again at the CBDNA Southern Division Conference, earning the coveted featured performance spot.
1. A Centennial Overture, for wind ensemble(1:54)
2. The Beethoven Machine, for wind ensemble(5:57)
3. Strange Humors, for wind ensemble(5:24)
4. Lux aurumque, for chorus (also for wind ensemble)(3:59)
5. Raag Mala, for wind ensemble(13:00)
6. Mr. Atlas, for wind ensemble(11:59)
Additional Details
Label: Summit Records
Genre: Classical
Run Time: 40 mins
Release Date: 07/01/12
UPC: 099402528922
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